Monday, February 23, 2009

#51.7 Georgetown last

Malaysia has four distinct cultures. Malay, Indian, and Chinese and Muslim. I sneaked this photo of a Muslim woman.
Men get angry when you photograph their women. I saw several couples, the man wearing a tee shirt baseball cap and cargo shorts. The woman in this garb. It's hot in Malaysia, I mean Palau hot. It's got to uncomfortable wearing that garb.
Many young Asians wear tee shirt with slogans they cannot understand. A young fellow working the front desk of our hotel in Ko Lipe wore a shirt that said, " I am a future washed up crack whore". He had no idea what the shirt said. I suppose his boss didn't either.
This young ady was working in her mothers outdoor cafe. She recently spent two years in England. She knew what her shirt said. She had a stud through her tongue. We invited her to sit with us while we ate. She was very charming.
This little one is sleeping on the bus to Kuala Lumpur.
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