Sunday, February 22, 2009

# 50 something, Langkawi last

These photos show about three hundred Muslims doing the chicken dance on the beach. Men are in one formation, women another. On the refrain, they break ranks and run in a circle until the next verse. Quite amusing.
We met Lane and Denise from Philadelphia. They were tons of fun. In the background is the Tomato restaraunt. We had coffee there every morning, and a few meals also. It is an Indian run indoor outdoor joint open 24 hours, except between 1 and 2:30 P.M on Friday.
The only thing that seemed 'duty free' about Langkawi was incredibly cheap beer. In a store a can of Skol or Tiger was about 39 cents. In a beach bar, about $1.20. Mike found a bar called the 1812. They sold Skol with a chilled mug for 2 Malaysian Ringits, about 60 cents. The 1812 was run by a very charming Malaysian named Carlton. His bar was always packed. He didn't sell food, but there were seafood restaraunts on both sides of his joint.
Next stop Penang.
Bye for now, Doahlah
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