Thursday, January 27, 2011


Ty arranged hotel rooms for us. The first afternoon Eet (lower right in the foreground) ferried seven of us to a restaurant built over a small lake. We had some great food and I didn't bring my camera! Everyone ordered favourites. It made for quite the feast. I ordered BBq'd squid and Pak Boong, a green vegetable difficult to describe. It's sauteed in oil, capers and garlic, and is very tasty. The women burst into laughter. Pak Boong was growing in the shallow water all around the restaurant. Talk about fresh, organic and local food!
The second day, Ty booked a minivan and driver to venture up the coast to an area called Khanom Beach. The waters here are populated by rare pink dolphins. We didn't see any, as they don''t hang about until spring.
This is Ty in the first photo, Sao, Ty, Mike,and half of Keith in the next one. The lady in red manages the little resort we visited.
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