Thursday, February 11, 2010

Angkor Wat

Halloh! Three years ago in Siem Reap, I hired a young man with a motorbike to ferry me to some of the temples. His name was Adam. He was invited to his girlfriends parents home for a Chinese new years party. Adam asked me to come along as he was quite nervous to go alone. I had a wonderful time and wrote a fun story about the evening.
We have kept in E touch. He has since acquired the trailer needed to transform his ride into a tuk tuk. I E mailed him that we (Mike, David and I) were on our way, and included my Cambodian mobile number. He called the next day.
I invited him to breakfast so that we might catch up before heading out to see stuff. He is 29 years old now and wants to find a wife. He had asked his mother to speak to his girlfriends mother about marriage. The other mother agreed but insisted they visit a fortune teller first. Unfortunately, the fortune teller did not feel the match would be good. So, that was the end of that! He has since met another lady from a good family and owns a restrauant near one of the temples. But!, she is divorced, so he cannot become involved with her. Oh well!
This is the grandaddy of them all, Angkor Wat. The entire grounds cover nearly one square mile. The surrounding moat alone is 600 feet wide. This is the promanade to the main entrance. Since my last visit a wooden stairway has been erected. It's now much safer to climb up to the top level. Here are two views from the top. This was once a pool.
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