Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Naga festival 2

This is the wild bunch. All Thai people are given nick names when very young. From the right. Ole from Denmark, Apple, then Tang Mo, (means watermellon). Behind TM is her brother Ton, (means beginning) His nickname originally was Than (meaning vegetable). He changed it when still young. Next to Ton is Christian, also from Denmark. Tons fiance Siep (small chicken), Nok (bird), Roger from Edmonds and me.
From Chiang Mai, Tang Mo arranged a minibus rental with driver, Kang. He took the first photo. They drove from CM to pick me up at the airport in BKK. Ole and his bunch were in the south with Oles mother. They flew to NK from BKK. Roger and Nok flew from CM.
Ton had heard the best fire ball viewing was at another town on the river about 50 K away. We were there before noon and staked out a prime viewing spot. We then found a covered shelter to stay out of the blazing sun.
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