Friday, November 21, 2008

Memo #4 Elephant Roundup #1

This event was much more of a spectacle than I had expected. There were more than 2000 participants and 300 elephants in the show. It began at 8:30 A.M. That was a good thing because it was very hot by the 11:00 finish.
One event was elephant soccer. That was fun. Whenever red #1 got the ball she rolled it into her trunk and ran for the goal. What a chearter! Many of the players could kick with front or rear legs. The blue tean won 1 to 0 on a penalty kick. The players shook trunks at the finish.
Another spectacular part was a battle reanactment. There were some grand parades of young people in traditonal costumes celebrating historical cultural ceremonies.
After the show many of the elephants were saddled up for rides around the stadium. I still haven't mastered the insertion of more than four photos. Jonathan sent me instructions but my print out in at the hotel. I'll make another short story with more photos.

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