Thursday, December 31, 2009

Asia winter part two

Halloh!I have had a tough time with Blogger. I gave it my BMI address and got locked out. It wouldn't let me try a different one. I had to start all over. Argh! And these gottam passwords. I've got passwords for BMI, Google, United, Alaska, Chase, Facebook, and Classmates. They all want different combinations of letters and numbers.
Anyhows, My Tokyo to BKK flight was late because another group from Chicago was late because some Autistic kid pitched a fit and wouldn't turn off his electronic game. The airplane had to return to the gate to throw him and his family off the plane. I got through customs at 1 A.M. The shuttles stop running at 11:30, and a taxi into town is expensive. Shaun told me about a hotel near the airport that picks you up and takes you back to the terminal for free. I got a good nights sleep and got a shuttle at noon staaight to Hualampong station for my afternoon train south. This station was designed and built by a Dutch architect about 1905. It's a glorious old building with lots of food and drink outlets for snacks on the train.
OKAY, lets try to post this.
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