Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Back to Saigon

Halloh. The three hour boat ride was pleasant enough, but the seven hour bus ride was truly one from hell. There was seating for 17, but there were 20 adults, one baby, and two small dogs crammed in. There was air con but the driver and his assistant wanted to smoke, so they kept the windows open. A young French couple and I were the only westerners. The photo here does not show how crowded it was. I survived.
I had one more night in Saigon before flying back to Bangkok. The next morning I saw the French couple. We laughed about the trip. The man was mixed race. He said that he was going to meet the Vietnamese side of his family for the first time. An aunt was bussing into Saigon from the Mekong delta, and would take them back to meet the family. He was very excited.
Vietnam is okay. The people are not as warm as in Thailand but I'll go back next winter.
Bye for now, Ducklass

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