Monday, June 9, 2008

It's all in the name

This is Pang and her boyfriend Aay. Pangs name translates to Powder in English. She owns Powder Bar. She wants to name her baby, Gang Ho. That translates to mixed salad. Aay is not too keen on that name.
In the Buddhist faith, it's OK to wish for money and be wealthy. Most retailers have a basket or 'bucket' to store the days cash. If your purchase it the first of the day, the vendor taps your money around the basket or purse or whatever. It then becomes 'lucky money'. This little dog showed up last year. Pang named the dog Bucket, hoping she would bring good luck and lots of money. Soon after, Pangs father became ill and needed eye surgury. She had to close her bar for five months to look after him. When her father recovered and she reopened her bar, she changed Buckets name to Garbage Can because the dog didn't bring much good luck.
My friend Katai's name means rabbit. My friend Nine was nicknamed Nine when she was nine years old. Her name was Anurak. She changed it to Suppatra. She changed it again to Suphanon. She laughs that she can't change it anymore because that one is on her passport. Enough about names. Bye for now.

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