Friday, May 30, 2008

The computer moron.

  Halloh.  Yesterday I made my first attempt to use Picasa to post photos on my blog.  I failed so miserably that I actually wiped my memory card clean.  All my photos are gone.  I'm upset, but I'll get over it.  I looked through my other two cards to see if could find any images to use.   Now I need to go somewhere photogenic and start over.
  I will write a photofree story as soon as I recover some dignity.  Bye for now.


madre-terra said...

Oh, poor you! I've had crummy shit like that happen to me to.
I'm sure you want have to travel far for the next photo opp.

Annie said...

I am sorry to hear that.Sometimes accident just happens.You might can get these lost photos back in your future travel! Don't be upset!