Monday, October 20, 2008

In Reno

Okay, I give up. Jonathan is going to have to fly back from Newfoundland and show me how to post more than four photos.

This photo is from the big car museum, It is near an automobile from 1929, showing what was happening just after the stock market crash. It looks like what is happening today. Uh Oh! Dugg
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Road trip 2

Halloh--. So far no skill. Here is our ride, a scenic view in the mountains, and two human interest photos from Carson City.

I will try one more time. Ducklass

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Road Trip!

Halloh. It was Mark, Bob Dale and me, road trippin to Yachats Oregon then onto Reno. We traveled inMarks Lexis hybrid. We had GPS, 6 disc CD, and all the other cool stuff that allows for a comfy ride.
It was nap time for Bob and Mark in K and J's house in Yachats. I took a self portrait wearing my Annie knitted hat and scarf. Dale studied routes to Reno.
This is more f test than anything. I haven't mastered the addition of photos to my blog entries. Blogspot will allow only four photos. Jonathan has found a way to add more. I have tried before unsuccessfully. I will now try again.
OKAY, I will publish this and try something else.

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